

Summary Information

There are a total of 233 bills of lading on file for 9999+26 between March 10th, 2019 and February 15th, 2024.

Of those 233 bills of lading, 0 were within the past 30 days and 0 were within the past 90 days.

Total Records233
Shipper Records0
Consignee Records233
Notify Party Records0
First Shipment on FileMar 10th, 2019
Most Recent Shipment on FileFeb 15th, 2024
Records in Last 30 Days0
Records in Last 90 Days0
Records in the Past Year0

Bills of Lading by Month for 9999+26

Bills of Lading
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Sankey Diagram of Associated Companies

Below is a Sankey Diagram of the top 2 companies associated with 9999+26, and the top 4 companies associated with those associations.

Associated Companies

Below are the top 2 companies associated with 9999+26 in terms of total bills of lading. Total Records are based on data obtained since March 1st, 2019.

Company Name Recent Shipment Total Records Associations
9999+6180301013611 AISIN CORPORATIONMay 2023103103
9999+7180301012587 AISIN AW CO.,LTD.May 20217373

Other Companies Listed Alphabetically

Below are other companies when arranged alphabetically. There is not neccessarily any association to 9999+26.

Company Name Recent Shipment Total Records Past 90 Days
9267 6295 QUEBEC INC.Feb 202527012
9392-4116 QUEBEC INCMar 202518322
9415815 CANADA INC.Jul 20211040
9507612 CANADA INC.Dec 20191170
954 LINCOLN S.A.Mar 20251,29173
9666052 CANADA INC.Mar 20252678
99 CENTS ONLY STORES LLCMay 202421,8170
9937510 CANADA CORPORATIONMar 202518011
999 FOOD SOURCE INC.Feb 20251103
9999+6180301013611 AISIN CORPORATIONMay 20231030
9FORCE INC.Mar 20251326

25 Most Recent Bills of Lading

Run Date Master BOL House BOL Voyage # Bill Type Carrier Code IMO # Vessel Name Arrival Date US Port Foreign Port Quantity Weight Type of Service Shipper Consignee Notify Party Commodity
2024-01-30MAEU233528556350ERegular BillMAEU9256482GSL NINGBO2024-01-29SAVANNAH, GEORGIAYANGSHAN CHINA (MAINLAND)3,072 UNT850,215 LBContainer Yard9999+26AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION HS CO DE : 8708.40 384 PALLETS(3,0 72 UNITS) # (INVOICE NO.AD L30043) TEL:0081(566)24-8441
2024-01-15MAEU232292003349ERegular BillMAEU9260469ALBERT MAERSK2024-01-14SAVANNAH, GEORGIAYANGSHAN CHINA (MAINLAND)3,840 UNT1,065,308 LBContainer Yard9999+26AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION HS CO DE : 8708.40 480 PALLETS(3,8 40 UNITS) # (INVOICE NO.AD L30041) TEL:0081(566)24-8441
2024-01-03MAEU231869741347ERegular BillMAEU9439498BSG BAHAMAS2024-01-02SAVANNAH, GEORGIAYANGSHAN CHINA (MAINLAND)4,224 UNT1,172,220 LBContainer Yard9999+26AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION HS CO DE : 8708.40 528 PALLETS(4,2 24 UNITS) # (INVOICE NO.AD L30040) TEL:0081(566)24-8441
2024-01-03MAEU231642774347ERegular BillMAEU9439498BSG BAHAMAS2024-01-02SAVANNAH, GEORGIAYANGSHAN CHINA (MAINLAND)1,536 UNT427,647 LBContainer Yard9999+26AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION HS CO DE : 8708.40 192 PALLETS(1,5 36 UNITS) # (INVOICE NO.AD L30039) TEL:0081(566)24-8441

Sample Bill of Lading

Relevant Dates

Run Date2024-02-01
Estimated Arrival Date2024-01-21
Actual Arrival Date2024-01-29
Trade Update Date2024-01-31

Bill of Lading Overview

Master BOL #MAEU232393249
House BOL #
Manifest Number000001
Bill TypeRegular Bill
Carrier CodeMAEU
Voyage #350E
IMO #9256482
Vessel CountryLR
Place of ReceiptNAGOYA
Foreign Port of LadingYANGSHAN CHINA (MAINLAND) (57037)
Port of UnladingSAVANNAH, GEORGIA (1703)
Port of Destination
Foreign Port of Destination
Weight689847 LB
Weight in KG312,909 KG
Quantity2496 UNT
Volume496 CM
Record StatusAmended Record
In-bond Entry Type
Transportation ModeVessel, non-container
Containers MRSU5315223
Commodity Description AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION HS CO DE : 8708.40 312 PALLETS(2,4 96 UNITS) # (INVOICE NO.AD L30042) TEL:0081(566)24-8441
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION HS CO DE : 8708.40 312 PALLETS(2,4 96 UNITS) # (INVOICE NO.AD L30042) TEL:0081(566)24-8441
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION HS CO DE : 8708.40 312 PALLETS(2,4 96 UNITS) # (INVOICE NO.AD L30042) TEL:0081(566)24-8441
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION HS CO DE : 8708.40 312 PALLETS(2,4 96 UNITS) # (INVOICE NO.AD L30042) TEL:0081(566)24-8441
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION HS CO DE : 8708.40 312 PALLETS(2,4 96 UNITS) # (INVOICE NO.AD L30042) TEL:0081(566)24-8441
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION HS CO DE : 8708.40 312 PALLETS(2,4 96 UNITS) # (INVOICE NO.AD L30042) TEL:0081(566)24-8441
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION HS CO DE : 8708.40 312 PALLETS(2,4 96 UNITS) # (INVOICE NO.AD L30042) TEL:0081(566)24-8441
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION HS CO DE : 8708.40 312 PALLETS(2,4 96 UNITS) # (INVOICE NO.AD L30042) TEL:0081(566)24-8441
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION HS CO DE : 8708.40 312 PALLETS(2,4 96 UNITS) # (INVOICE NO.AD L30042) TEL:0081(566)24-8441
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION HS CO DE : 8708.40 312 PALLETS(2,4 96 UNITS) # (INVOICE NO.AD L30042) TEL:0081(566)24-8441
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION HS CO DE : 8708.40 312 PALLETS(2,4 96 UNITS) # (INVOICE NO.AD L30042) TEL:0081(566)24-8441
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION HS CO DE : 8708.40 312 PALLETS(2,4 96 UNITS) # (INVOICE NO.AD L30042) TEL:0081(566)24-8441
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION HS CO DE : 8708.40 312 PALLETS(2,4 96 UNITS) # (INVOICE NO.AD L30042) TEL:0081(566)24-8441


Consignee Name9999+26-410553500
Address Line 28001 VOLKSWAGEN DRIVE
Address Line 3CHATTANOOGA,TN 37416

#1 -- Container MRSU5315223

Container NumberMRSU5315223
Seal Number 1JP0165217
Seal Number 1JP0165217
Equipment Description CodeG0
Equipment DescriptionOpening(s) at one end or both ends.
Container Length40ft 0in (04000)
Container Height9ft 6in (00000906)
Container Width8ft 2in (00000802)
Container Type4EB0
Load StatusLoaded
Type of ServiceContainer Yard
Cargo Description 1AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION HS CO DE : 8708.40 312 PALLETS(2,4 96 UNITS) # (INVOICE NO.AD L30042) TEL:0081(566)24-8441
Marks and Numbers 1VOLKSWAGEN GROUP OF AMERICA,INC. CH ATTANOOGA OPERATIONS,LLC. PART NO. 09P300036D PALLET NO. 72803291-7280 3386 MADE IN JAPAN PART NO.09P3000 36E PALLET NO.72910098-72910313

#2 -- Container MRSU4398455

Container NumberMRSU4398455
Seal Number 1JP0165758
Seal Number 1JP0165758
Equipment Description CodeG0
Equipment DescriptionOpening(s) at one end or both ends.
Container Length40ft 0in (04000)
Container Height9ft 6in (00000906)
Container Width8ft 2in (00000802)
Container Type4EB0
Load StatusLoaded
Type of ServiceContainer Yard
Cargo Description 1AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION HS CO DE : 8708.40 312 PALLETS(2,4 96 UNITS) # (INVOICE NO.AD L30042) TEL:0081(566)24-8441
Marks and Numbers 1VOLKSWAGEN GROUP OF AMERICA,INC. CH ATTANOOGA OPERATIONS,LLC. PART NO. 09P300036D PALLET NO. 72803291-7280 3386 MADE IN JAPAN PART NO.09P3000 36E PALLET NO.72910098-72910313

#3 -- Container TCKU7698532

Container NumberTCKU7698532
Seal Number 1JP0165802
Seal Number 1JP0165802
Equipment Description CodeG0
Equipment DescriptionOpening(s) at one end or both ends.
Container Length40ft 0in (04000)
Container Height9ft 6in (00000906)
Container Width8ft 2in (00000802)
Container Type4EB0
Load StatusLoaded
Type of ServiceContainer Yard
Cargo Description 1AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION HS CO DE : 8708.40 312 PALLETS(2,4 96 UNITS) # (INVOICE NO.AD L30042) TEL:0081(566)24-8441
Marks and Numbers 1VOLKSWAGEN GROUP OF AMERICA,INC. CH ATTANOOGA OPERATIONS,LLC. PART NO. 09P300036D PALLET NO. 72803291-7280 3386 MADE IN JAPAN PART NO.09P3000 36E PALLET NO.72910098-72910313

#4 -- Container MRSU4141030

Container NumberMRSU4141030
Seal Number 1JP0165213
Seal Number 1JP0165213
Equipment Description CodeG0
Equipment DescriptionOpening(s) at one end or both ends.
Container Length40ft 0in (04000)
Container Height9ft 6in (00000906)
Container Width8ft 2in (00000802)
Container Type4EB0
Load StatusLoaded
Type of ServiceContainer Yard
Cargo Description 1AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION HS CO DE : 8708.40 312 PALLETS(2,4 96 UNITS) # (INVOICE NO.AD L30042) TEL:0081(566)24-8441
Marks and Numbers 1VOLKSWAGEN GROUP OF AMERICA,INC. CH ATTANOOGA OPERATIONS,LLC. PART NO. 09P300036D PALLET NO. 72803291-7280 3386 MADE IN JAPAN PART NO.09P3000 36E PALLET NO.72910098-72910313

#5 -- Container GCXU5714805

Container NumberGCXU5714805
Seal Number 1JP0165184
Seal Number 1JP0165184
Equipment Description CodeG0
Equipment DescriptionOpening(s) at one end or both ends.
Container Length40ft 0in (04000)
Container Height9ft 6in (00000906)
Container Width8ft 2in (00000802)
Container Type4EB0
Load StatusLoaded
Type of ServiceContainer Yard
Cargo Description 1AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION HS CO DE : 8708.40 312 PALLETS(2,4 96 UNITS) # (INVOICE NO.AD L30042) TEL:0081(566)24-8441
Marks and Numbers 1VOLKSWAGEN GROUP OF AMERICA,INC. CH ATTANOOGA OPERATIONS,LLC. PART NO. 09P300036D PALLET NO. 72803291-7280 3386 MADE IN JAPAN PART NO.09P3000 36E PALLET NO.72910098-72910313

#6 -- Container TCNU1842966

Container NumberTCNU1842966
Seal Number 1JP0165190
Seal Number 1JP0165190
Equipment Description CodeG0
Equipment DescriptionOpening(s) at one end or both ends.
Container Length40ft 0in (04000)
Container Height9ft 6in (00000906)
Container Width8ft 2in (00000802)
Container Type4EB0
Load StatusLoaded
Type of ServiceContainer Yard
Cargo Description 1AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION HS CO DE : 8708.40 312 PALLETS(2,4 96 UNITS) # (INVOICE NO.AD L30042) TEL:0081(566)24-8441
Marks and Numbers 1VOLKSWAGEN GROUP OF AMERICA,INC. CH ATTANOOGA OPERATIONS,LLC. PART NO. 09P300036D PALLET NO. 72803291-7280 3386 MADE IN JAPAN PART NO.09P3000 36E PALLET NO.72910098-72910313

#7 -- Container CIPU5234930

Container NumberCIPU5234930
Seal Number 1JP0165775
Seal Number 1JP0165775
Equipment Description CodeG0
Equipment DescriptionOpening(s) at one end or both ends.
Container Length40ft 0in (04000)
Container Height9ft 6in (00000906)
Container Width8ft 2in (00000802)
Container Type4EB0
Load StatusLoaded
Type of ServiceContainer Yard
Cargo Description 1AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION HS CO DE : 8708.40 312 PALLETS(2,4 96 UNITS) # (INVOICE NO.AD L30042) TEL:0081(566)24-8441
Marks and Numbers 1VOLKSWAGEN GROUP OF AMERICA,INC. CH ATTANOOGA OPERATIONS,LLC. PART NO. 09P300036D PALLET NO. 72803291-7280 3386 MADE IN JAPAN PART NO.09P3000 36E PALLET NO.72910098-72910313

#8 -- Container CAAU6494379

Container NumberCAAU6494379
Seal Number 1JP0165827
Seal Number 1JP0165827
Equipment Description CodeG0
Equipment DescriptionOpening(s) at one end or both ends.
Container Length40ft 0in (04000)
Container Height9ft 6in (00000906)
Container Width8ft 2in (00000802)
Container Type4EB0
Load StatusLoaded
Type of ServiceContainer Yard
Cargo Description 1AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION HS CO DE : 8708.40 312 PALLETS(2,4 96 UNITS) # (INVOICE NO.AD L30042) TEL:0081(566)24-8441
Marks and Numbers 1VOLKSWAGEN GROUP OF AMERICA,INC. CH ATTANOOGA OPERATIONS,LLC. PART NO. 09P300036D PALLET NO. 72803291-7280 3386 MADE IN JAPAN PART NO.09P3000 36E PALLET NO.72910098-72910313

#9 -- Container MRSU3631602

Container NumberMRSU3631602
Seal Number 1JP0165166
Seal Number 1JP0165166
Equipment Description CodeG0
Equipment DescriptionOpening(s) at one end or both ends.
Container Length40ft 0in (04000)
Container Height9ft 6in (00000906)
Container Width8ft 2in (00000802)
Container Type4EB0
Load StatusLoaded
Type of ServiceContainer Yard
Cargo Description 1AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION HS CO DE : 8708.40 312 PALLETS(2,4 96 UNITS) # (INVOICE NO.AD L30042) TEL:0081(566)24-8441
Marks and Numbers 1VOLKSWAGEN GROUP OF AMERICA,INC. CH ATTANOOGA OPERATIONS,LLC. PART NO. 09P300036D PALLET NO. 72803291-7280 3386 MADE IN JAPAN PART NO.09P3000 36E PALLET NO.72910098-72910313

#10 -- Container TEMU6186449

Container NumberTEMU6186449
Seal Number 1JP0165878
Seal Number 1JP0165878
Equipment Description CodeG0
Equipment DescriptionOpening(s) at one end or both ends.
Container Length40ft 0in (04000)
Container Height9ft 6in (00000906)
Container Width8ft 2in (00000802)
Container Type4EB0
Load StatusLoaded
Type of ServiceContainer Yard
Cargo Description 1AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION HS CO DE : 8708.40 312 PALLETS(2,4 96 UNITS) # (INVOICE NO.AD L30042) TEL:0081(566)24-8441
Marks and Numbers 1VOLKSWAGEN GROUP OF AMERICA,INC. CH ATTANOOGA OPERATIONS,LLC. PART NO. 09P300036D PALLET NO. 72803291-7280 3386 MADE IN JAPAN PART NO.09P3000 36E PALLET NO.72910098-72910313

#11 -- Container CAIU4905051

Container NumberCAIU4905051
Seal Number 1JP0165837
Seal Number 1JP0165837
Equipment Description CodeG0
Equipment DescriptionOpening(s) at one end or both ends.
Container Length40ft 0in (04000)
Container Height9ft 6in (00000906)
Container Width8ft 2in (00000802)
Container Type4EB0
Load StatusLoaded
Type of ServiceContainer Yard
Cargo Description 1AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION HS CO DE : 8708.40 312 PALLETS(2,4 96 UNITS) # (INVOICE NO.AD L30042) TEL:0081(566)24-8441
Marks and Numbers 1VOLKSWAGEN GROUP OF AMERICA,INC. CH ATTANOOGA OPERATIONS,LLC. PART NO. 09P300036D PALLET NO. 72803291-7280 3386 MADE IN JAPAN PART NO.09P3000 36E PALLET NO.72910098-72910313

#12 -- Container HASU5208360

Container NumberHASU5208360
Seal Number 1JP0165760
Seal Number 1JP0165760
Equipment Description CodeG0
Equipment DescriptionOpening(s) at one end or both ends.
Container Length40ft 0in (04000)
Container Height9ft 6in (00000906)
Container Width8ft 2in (00000802)
Container Type4EB0
Load StatusLoaded
Type of ServiceContainer Yard
Cargo Description 1AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION HS CO DE : 8708.40 312 PALLETS(2,4 96 UNITS) # (INVOICE NO.AD L30042) TEL:0081(566)24-8441
Marks and Numbers 1VOLKSWAGEN GROUP OF AMERICA,INC. CH ATTANOOGA OPERATIONS,LLC. PART NO. 09P300036D PALLET NO. 72803291-7280 3386 MADE IN JAPAN PART NO.09P3000 36E PALLET NO.72910098-72910313

#13 -- Container MRSU3685701

Container NumberMRSU3685701
Seal Number 1JP0165785
Seal Number 1JP0165785
Equipment Description CodeG0
Equipment DescriptionOpening(s) at one end or both ends.
Container Length40ft 0in (04000)
Container Height9ft 6in (00000906)
Container Width8ft 2in (00000802)
Container Type4EB0
Load StatusLoaded
Type of ServiceContainer Yard
Cargo Description 1AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION HS CO DE : 8708.40 312 PALLETS(2,4 96 UNITS) # (INVOICE NO.AD L30042) TEL:0081(566)24-8441
Marks and Numbers 1VOLKSWAGEN GROUP OF AMERICA,INC. CH ATTANOOGA OPERATIONS,LLC. PART NO. 09P300036D PALLET NO. 72803291-7280 3386 MADE IN JAPAN PART NO.09P3000 36E PALLET NO.72910098-72910313

Map of Activity by Port

9999+26 Top US Ports

Port of Unlading Total Records Recent Shipment
Savannah, Georgia2192024-02-16
Charleston, South Carolina122022-11-18
Newark, New Jersey22022-05-30

9999+26 Top Foreign Ports

Port of Lading Total Records Recent Shipment
Yangshan China (Mainland)2112024-02-16
Pusan South Korea152022-07-27
Ningbo China (Mainland)52021-12-30
Tangier Morocco22021-03-12

9999+26 Address and Name Permutations

Below are the top 2 company names and addresses for 9999+26 that were combined to create this record. While we try to make sure everything is as accurate as possible we can't guarantee complete accuracy for all records so please notify us of any errors.

Company Name Address Last Record Records
9999+26410553500 VOLKSWAGEN GOA CHATTANOOGA 8001 VOLKSWAGEN DRIVE CHATTANOOGA,TN 37416 1-42358242032021-07-0199

9999+26 Phone Numbers

Below are the top 2 phone numbers on file for 9999+26.

Phone Number Last Appeared Records