Summary of Imports into Hoyes, Maryland

Summary Information started data collection on March 1st, 2019, and all counts and totals are based on data since then. Within the past 90 days Hoyes, Maryland has imported 0 containers and 0 bills of lading.

Manifests on File76
Manifests Last 90 Days0
Records Last 90 Days0
Containers Last 90 Days0

* We define a manifest as a unique master bill of lading.

Map of the Top Cities Exporting into Hoyes, Maryland

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Top Companies in Hoyes, Maryland

Company Records Records
Last 90 Days
Last Shipment

Top Foreign Companies Exporting to Hoyes, Maryland

Company Records Records
Last 90 Days
Last Shipment
STEICO SE7602020-07-20

Total Bills of Lading by Month in Hoyes, Maryland

0 Most Recent Bills of Lading

Run Date Master BOL House BOL Voyage # Bill Type Carrier Code IMO # Vessel Name Arrival Date US Port Foreign Port Quantity Weight Type of Service Shipper Consignee Notify Party Commodity
No Results Returned

Cities with the most shipments to Hoyes, Maryland

City Records Records
Last 90 Days
Feldkirchen, Bavaria, Germany760
Data for this page is based on the shipper, consignee, and notify party addresses. Due to the nature of the raw data, we can't guarantee every entry on this page is associated with Hoyes, Maryland, and we can't guarantee this page includes all entries.