IMO: 9367774

Vessel Information

Between September 13th, 2020 and September 13th, 2020, FRISIAN SPRING (9367774) has made 1 port calls at 1 U.S. ports and unladed roughly 2.7k metric tons.

IMO Number9367774
Bills of Lading on File1
Dates on File2020-09-13 to 2020-09-13
Weight Unladed2.7k Metric Tons
Weight Unladed
Last 90 Days
0.0 Metric Tons
Containers Unladed0
Containers Unladed
Last 90 Days
US Port Calls1

Primary U.S. Port Calls for FRISIAN SPRING

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Recent U.S. Port Calls

Port Code Port Arrival Date Records Weight Unladed
1303Baltimore, Maryland2020-09-1312,746.8 MTView Records

U.S. Port Summary

Code Port Name Port Calls Recent Port Call Total Bills of Lading Total Wt. Unladed
1303Baltimore, Maryland12020-09-131.02.7k MTView Records

Foreign Port Summary

Code Port Bills of Lading Total Wt. Laded
41910Waterford Ireland1.02.7k MTView Records

Top Companies Using FRISIAN SPRING

Company Name Records Last Port Call

1 Most Recent Bills of Lading

Run Date Master BOL House BOL Voyage # Bill Type Carrier Code IMO # Vessel Name Arrival Date US Port Foreign Port Quantity Weight Type of Service Shipper Consignee Notify Party Commodity