IMO: 9336062

Vessel Information

Between December 4th, 2020 and May 19th, 2024, MORNING CELESTA (9336062) has made 18 port calls at 9 U.S. ports and unladed roughly 48.9k metric tons.

IMO Number9336062
Bills of Lading on File401
Dates on File2020-12-04 to 2024-05-19
Weight Unladed48.9k Metric Tons
Weight Unladed
Last 90 Days
0.0 Metric Tons
Containers Unladed0
Containers Unladed
Last 90 Days
US Port Calls18

Primary U.S. Port Calls for MORNING CELESTA

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Recent U.S. Port Calls

Port Code Port Arrival Date Records Weight Unladed
3002Tacoma, Washington2024-05-19883,601.6 MTView Records
2713Port Hueneme, California2024-05-15873,412.8 MTView Records
1701Brunswick, Georgia2024-04-29354,879.7 MTView Records
1601Charleston, South Carolina2024-03-26291,539.6 MTView Records
1701Brunswick, Georgia2024-03-24124,047.9 MTView Records
4601Newark, New Jersey2024-03-20103,171.5 MTView Records
4601Newark, New Jersey2022-06-1913.8 MTView Records
1601Charleston, South Carolina2022-05-2619279.8 MTView Records
1701Brunswick, Georgia2022-05-24454,347.2 MTView Records
4601Newark, New Jersey2022-05-20513,259.3 MTView Records
2704Los Angeles, California2022-01-1523,134.0 MTView Records
3002Tacoma, Washington2022-01-1122,236.8 MTView Records
1101Philadelphia, Pennsylvania2021-11-0353,133.8 MTView Records
1701Brunswick, Georgia2021-10-3163,141.0 MTView Records
4909San Juan, Puerto Rico2021-10-27171,717.9 MTView Records
1701Brunswick, Georgia2021-01-015928.0 MTView Records
4601Newark, New Jersey2020-12-07134,247.0 MTView Records
1303Baltimore, Maryland2020-12-0461,825.2 MTView Records

U.S. Port Summary

Code Port Name Port Calls Recent Port Call Total Bills of Lading Total Wt. Unladed
1101Philadelphia, Pennsylvania12021-11-035.03.1k MTView Records
1303Baltimore, Maryland12020-12-046.01.8k MTView Records
1601Charleston, South Carolina22024-03-2636.01.8k MTView Records
1701Brunswick, Georgia52024-04-2993.017.3k MTView Records
2704Los Angeles, California12022-01-152.03.1k MTView Records
2713Port Hueneme, California12024-05-1585.03.4k MTView Records
3002Tacoma, Washington22024-05-1985.05.8k MTView Records
4601Newark, New Jersey42024-03-2072.010.7k MTView Records
4909San Juan, Puerto Rico12021-10-2717.01.7k MTView Records

Foreign Port Summary

Top Companies Using MORNING CELESTA

Company Name Records Last Port Call
GENERAL MOTORS222021-01-01
GM KOREA COMPANY192021-01-01
VOLVO CAR USA LLC132024-05-19
NMT USA INC122024-05-19
NMTC BV122024-05-19
VOLVO CENA LLC112024-05-19
MERCEDES-BENZ AG112024-04-29

25 Most Recent Bills of Lading

Run Date Master BOL House BOL Voyage # Bill Type Carrier Code IMO # Vessel Name Arrival Date US Port Foreign Port Quantity Weight Type of Service Shipper Consignee Notify Party Commodity
2024-05-21WLWHBR2406238ED407Regular BillWLWH9336062MORNING CELESTA2024-05-19TACOMA, WASHINGTONMANZANILLO PANAMA1 UNT20,230 KNon ContainerizedCEVA LOGISTICSONE 577 2946 150 15A AWD MOTOR GRADER H15L S N EB501574 ENG S N SYE47285 PIN CAT00150T EB501574 G.W 20230 KGS CUBE 98.87 M3 EXP ...
2024-05-21WLWHBR2409784ED407Regular BillWLWH9336062MORNING CELESTA2024-05-19TACOMA, WASHINGTONMANZANILLO PANAMA1 UNT16,734 KNon ContainerizedJOHN DEERE BRASIL LTDAJOHN DEERE CONSTRUTION AND FORESTYJOHN DEERE CUSTOMER SERVICE1 PC 3000BZ 644G BRAZIL LOADER COMAR CODES 3000BZ 0000. 0202. 0259. 0351. 0400. 0602. 06 52. 170K. 4021. 4251. 5177. 7054. 7402....
2024-05-21WLWHBR2409787ED407Regular BillWLWH9336062MORNING CELESTA2024-05-19TACOMA, WASHINGTONMANZANILLO PANAMA1 UNT16,741 KNon ContainerizedJOHN DEERE BRASIL LTDAJOHN DEERE CONSTRUTION AND FORESTYJOHN DEERE CUSTOMER SERVICE1 PC 3000BZ 644G BRAZIL LOADER COMAR CODES 3000BZ 0202. 0259. 0351. 0400. 0602. 0652. 09 51. 170K. 4021. 4251. 5177. 7054. 7402....
2024-05-21WLWHBR2409562ED407Regular BillWLWH9336062MORNING CELESTA2024-05-19TACOMA, WASHINGTONMANZANILLO PANAMA1 UNT16,735 KNon ContainerizedJOHN DEERE BRASIL LTDAJOHN DEERE CONSTRUTION AND FORESTYJOHN DEERE CUSTOMER SERVICE1 PC 3000BZ 644G BRAZIL LOADER COMAR CODES 3000BZ 0000. 0202. 0259. 0351. 0400. 0602. 06 52. 170K. 4021. 4251. 5177. 7054. 7402....